Branda S. Mainwaring
  • Brenda S. Mainwaring

    Class of 1982; CEO Iowa West Foundation


    Brenda Sutherland - Mainwaring - ALHS Class of 1982


    Known as a well-rounded, hard-working and dedicated community member, Brenda was nominated for this year's Hall of Fame by four different community members. Each had very high regard for Ms. Mainwaring’s attention to detail and the compassion she puts into everything she does to support her community. As CEO of the Iowa West Foundation, Council Bluffs Community School district appreciates and thanks Ms. Sutherland Mainwaring for all that she gives back!

Judy O'Brien


    Judy O' Brien

    Class of 1965; Educator/Administrator CBCSD

  • From student to teacher, to leader. Judy has made her mark in the Council Bluffs Community School District after attending ALHS as an administrator, project coordinator, supervisor of secondary education and so much more. She has received many honors and awards not only with our school district but our community as well.

Lyle L. Moraine


    Lyle L. Moraine

    Class of 1932; Military/Actor & Songwriter

  • Lyle Moraine was an inspiration. He was creative, innovative, kind and well composed. After attending Abraham Lincoln high school, he took his found love for music and began a  career as  a composer. Lyle went on to compose 25  songs, 36 songs which appeared in movies. He is a reveered community member, friend and family to many.